Free Audiobook

Hello there,
– This is the cover –

Today, I am happy to share the first Happyland Adventure Audiobook. This is a survival story/adventure-fantasy novel for middle graders/young adult readers featuring Pepper, the homeless dog, Wizzy, the wizard mouse, Tank’s Gang of mutts, and two young corruption fighters, Hank and Alice, along with a list of malicious humans who’s names shall remain unspoken for now.

I should mention that the book is called (inspiring!) “Sniff it!” – Adventures in Happyland #1, and that is available as eBook, Print and Audiobook. The Audiobook can be found on a variety of audiobook sites including,, and

However, I have some free copies I’d like to share. The copies are available for listening inside the Authors Direct mobile apps which is available on iOS and Android (non-kindle) devices.

If you are interested to grab a copy, please send me an email at this address:

with the title

free audiobook code

so I can send you the code and instruction on to get the free audiobook.

Please allow me 12 hours to respond to you.

The book is about four hours long and is narrated by Brandon P. Reinsford, a well know voice in video game production.


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